Friday, April 30, 2010


Grown from the ground
Manufactured and over produced
Too much causes inflation
Too little causes depression
The economy depends on it
The people worship it
Those with an abundance have greed
Those with none have poverty
It has the power to burn holes
And the power to consume
It has been said to talk
And has the power to make people listen
Often taken for granted
And always desired
It can be saved and spent wisely
Or lost or frittered away
It can be stashed or invested
It has become the center of our world
and the gem of our universe
To some it is an idol or a god
To be worshiped ad praised
But to others, an enemy
Something to hate and demise
Green and gold
With multiple faces
It can be given as a gift
But is often taken for personal gain
It is said to be the root of all evil
And may have a harmful intent
It can be used to benefit others
It's purpose can be two faced
Similar to its appearance
It may cause pain or anxiety
And stress often entails
It is associated with invincibility
Until it disappears
It is loved and hated
Sought and traded
So use it wisely while you can
Because it can't be taken with you

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